The Globe and Mail: Vacation Spend in Proportion to Income
Kurt was interviewed in The Globe and Mail to discuss how much money people should spend on vacations in proportion to their income. (Article no longer available)
The Globe and Mail: Investing in a Home Interview 2012
Kurt commented on an article in The Globe and Mail on “Investing in A Home”. Kurt provides guidelines on buying and talks about his biggest fear in Canadian real estate in the next few years. (Article no Longer Available)
The Globe and Mail: Financial Road Map Series 2011
Kurt participated in the “Financial Road Map” series for The Globe and Mail newspaper where he answered questions to small business owners about financial planning. Here is the link to all the questions that Kurt answered: (Article no longer available)
The Globe and Mail: Personal CFO Interview
Kurt was asked to serve as the financial expert a feature in The Globe and Mail called “ask an expert” where Canadian small business owners can email financial questions about starting and managing a business and Kurt will provide the answers. Kurt also wrote an article that was published in The Globe and Mail discussing …
CA Magazine Interview: Family Financial Planning 2011
Kurt was interviewed by CA Magazine, the national monthly publication for Chartered Accountants in Canada, and asked to provide his opinions on family financial planning. (Article no longer available)