A reality check for millennials aiming to buy a house
Kurt was featured in an article by Rob Carrick of The Globe and Mail talking about the appropriate age for young people to buy a home. Read the full article here.
Debt casts shadow on this family’s savings plan
Kurt provided expert commentary to a 30 something couple with a large mortgage in today’s Globe and Mail “Financial Facelift” column. Read the full commentary here.
Ten common mistakes DIY investors make
Kurt was interviewed by The Globe and Mail to discuss the Top Mistakes made by Do-It-Yourself Investors. Read Kurt’s comments here
The Globe and Mail Interview: Realities of Little Savings and Heavy Debt Loads
Kurt discusses the realities of little savings and heavy debt loads in this recent Globe and Mail Financial Facelift based on real life situations. (Article no longer available)
The Globe and Mail Interview: Retiree Worrying About Money
Kurt was asked to be the financial expert in the Globe and Mail’s weekly Financial Facelist case study story. See what Kurt told a retiree worried about running out of money here. (Article no longer available)
Canadian Family: House Proud
Read Kurt’s expert commentary for Canadian Family Magazine on the affordability of a home for young Canadians in 2014. Read the full article here.