
Personal Investment Strategies | How Much Do I Need to Retire? (Podcast)

Thirty years ago, retirement planning was easy – you worked until 58, and when your pension kicked in, you faded into the sunset. Today, pensions are gone, 60-year-olds still have mortgages, kids live at home as parents retire and many people feel that they won’t ever have enough saved to retire at all. Join Liz …

Personal Investment Strategies | How Much Do I Need to Retire? (Podcast) Read More »

ETFs for Long Term Financial Prosperity (Podcast)

There are presently thousands of products available for purchase for your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and other investing needs. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have quickly moved to the forefront for many investors. During this podcast, Liz West and Kurt Rosentreter explain what ETFs are and discuss why they are the product of choice for many …

ETFs for Long Term Financial Prosperity (Podcast) Read More »

Understanding Life Insurance | How to Choose and Purchase Life Insurance (Podcast)

If you are the primary income earner for a family that includes dependents and you die, your family will no longer have your income to pay the bills. Life insurance is a safety net that provides money to replace lost income after death. Life insurance can also serve business needs to provide liquidity money on …

Understanding Life Insurance | How to Choose and Purchase Life Insurance (Podcast) Read More »

Income After Retirement | How Will You Manage the Gap?

In many ways, high-income executives and self-employed professionals in Canada may be facing a tougher adjustment to retirement finances than those in more traditional careers.  When I refer to the “gap”, I mean the difference between your annual income during your career compared to your annual income during your retirement.  Unionized Professions that Still Offer …

Income After Retirement | How Will You Manage the Gap? Read More »

Creating an Investment Portfolio in 6 Easy Steps (Podcast)

Whether you are considering Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) for your children’s future or Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) for your own retirement needs, personal investing can be intimidating, confusing and stressful. Join Liz West and Kurt Rosentreter as they discuss six simple steps each of us can take to meet our financial goals.

Cost of Raising a Child in Canada | Delaying or Killing Your Retirement Plans?

Our team does a lot of retirement number crunching for Canadians. To be more specific; we do a lot of cash flow forecasting where we show white-collar families what it will cost them to retire. Understanding the cost of raising a child in Canada. Knowing how much they can afford to spend each year in …

Cost of Raising a Child in Canada | Delaying or Killing Your Retirement Plans? Read More »

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