Expert Interview

How Much Money Do You Really Need to Retire in Toronto? Here’s What to Consider

Kurt was recently interview by CTV News about retiring in Toronto and facing increased costs of living relative to other areas of the country. To …

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Why Health Care is Becoming a Growing Part of More Advisors’ Practices

Kurt commented on a piece for the Globe and Mail recently regarding health care and the role it plays in financial advisors’ practices. Click HERE …

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financial literacy

Why financial literacy needs to be tied to kids’ real lives to sink in

Kurt recently commented on a piece by The Globe and Mail about financial literacy, and how to engage kids. Read more:

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Can Finfluencers Be Trusted?

Kurt was recently interviewed on TVO Today’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin about the recent rise is popularity of financial influencers (or “finfluencers”). Watch the …

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5 Recession-Ready Tips for Savers and Investors

Kurt was in the news recently, commenting on a piece for NerdWallet about the likelihood of a recession and tips to manage your finances during …

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Saving not for retirement but for a new baby

Kurt was recently featured in a talk show interview on the SiriusXM Radio Canada Talks show ‘Moolala: Money Made Simple’ with Bruce Sellery. Bruce and …

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Building an investment portfolio to match life goals

Kurt wrote an article for Chartered Professional Accountants British Columbia (CPABC) on the need for goal-based financial planning. The article takes a detailed look into …

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The rise of ‘finfluencers’ – how social media affects financial planning

Kurt was interviewed by The Globe & Mail on the growing amount of financial advice on social media. The article discusses how an increasing amount …

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Canadians still sitting on large cash balances

Kurt was interviewed in The Globe & Mail regarding large cash balances being held during the pandemic, and the opportunity cost of sitting on cash. …

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Real estate, divorce make a toxic mix

Kurt was interviewed in The Globe & Mail regarding tax and financial planning considerations while splitting real estate assets in divorce.

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How advisors can help gig economy workers avoid costly missteps this tax season

Kurt was interviewed in The Globe & Mail to talk about the ‘gig economy’ and how variable income individuals can reduce tax mistakes through comprehensive …

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Following the 70-per-cent income rule could mess up your retirement plans

Kurt was interviewed in The Globe & Mail to talk about how excessive investment in your principal residence may affect your ability to retire with …

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Schooled by the coronavirus pandemic, financial planners offer their No. 1 piece of advice for the year ahead

Kurt is quoted by The Globe & Mail about how to deal with the pandemic and your finances in 2021. Read more.

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That brief market plunge in March has served up a wealth of 2020 hindsight

Kurt was interviewed by The Globe & Mail to discuss lessons learned as an investor in the ups and downs of pandemic investing in 2020. …

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When Marriage Ends…

Kurt was featured in the Medical Post with valuable information on what to expect and what needs to be prepared when faced with the end …

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Second COVID-19 wave has parents struggling to decide whether they can afford to not work

Kurt was featured in the Globe and Mail discussing the struggles parents face and decisions to make due to the extent of COVID 19. Read …

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Advisors can help career changers navigate financial minefields

Kurt was featured in the Globe and Mail on how to advise and guide clients in career changes. Read more.

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For investors sidelined with cash, market surge presents painful dilemma

Kurt was featured in the Globe and Mail on the effects of the pandemic and investors sidelined with cash. Read more.

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Shaky markets lead some millennials to seek out financial advice

Kurt was featured in the Globe and Mail article of more young Canadians are seeking guidance and direction from financial advisors. Read more.

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Six ways advisors can help millennials keep calm

Kurt was featured in the Globe and Mail article on how to help millennials keep calm. Read the full article.

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Advice on how to improve your finances from people who have heard all your excuses

Kurt was asked the following question by Globe and Mail Personal Finance Columnist Rob Carrick, “Based on your years of experience, what have you found …

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An Interview With a Financial Advisor

Kurt was featured in a recent article on Common Cents Investing answering some questions about financial advice, the financial service industry, and interest rates. (Link …

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Should parents pay for their child’s university or college costs? – Globe and Mail

Kurt was featured in a recent Globe and Mail article discussing Canadian parent’s role in paying for their children’s post-secondary education costs. Read the full …

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Is the home ownership dream dead for millennials? Globe and Mail Feature

“The aspect of work longer, save more, only goes so far”. I was featured in the recent Globe and Mail article discussing homeownership for Millennials, …

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How to Actually Reach Your Financial Goals (Podcast)

Although everyone has financial goals, not everyone can reach theirs. We must take an integrated approach to managing the different components of our finances in …

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Personal Investment Strategies | How Much Do I Need to Retire? (Podcast)

Thirty years ago, retirement planning was easy – you worked until 58, and when your pension kicked in, you faded into the sunset. Today, pensions …

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ETFs for Long Term Financial Prosperity (Podcast)

There are presently thousands of products available for purchase for your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and other investing needs. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have quickly …

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Understanding Life Insurance | How to Choose and Purchase Life Insurance (Podcast)

If you are the primary income earner for a family that includes dependents and you die, your family will no longer have your income to …

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How to do Estate Planning | Issues and Solutions (Podcast)

Poor estate planning can leave our family members battling over money, property and goods like the artwork on our walls when we are gone. Inadequate …

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Creating an Investment Portfolio in 6 Easy Steps (Podcast)

Whether you are considering Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) for your children’s future or Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) for your own retirement needs, personal …

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